Open position!

Postdoc in the genetics of brain imaging and behavioral/psychiatric phenotypes.

We will have a position in our lab, starting in the summer of 2023, for a young researcher with a background in computational and/or biological sciences, to work on a multi-faceted project in collaboration with the lab of Fabrizio Pizzagalli here at the Dept. of Neurosciences of the University of Torino, Turin, Italy.

The project aims to integrate genomics, transcriptomics and brain imaging data to predict behavioral traits and disease outcome/progression, and will be based on the analysis of large datasets (such as those generated by the UK Biobank and the ABCD study) with statistical and machine learning methods. The day-to-day activity will consist in implementing and running command line tools by building reproducible and robust computational pipelines.

What we offer: You will work in a purely computational group with decades of experience in the field, on a dedicated machine and on a High Performance Computing cluster. The supervision will be provided by Prof Paolo Provero and Dr Davide Marnetto on a day-to-day basis, with weekly focus meetings and with general lab meetings. We offer mentorship to grow your expertise in bioinformatics, transcriptomics, genomics, population genetics. By conducting fully-fledged computational research you will be honing skills which are heavily looked for by recruiters in biology and big data fields.

What we are looking for: A young post-doc or post-lauream researcher (a recent PhD will be considered a plus but is not required) with basic experience in the application of data mining/machine learning/deep learning methods to large datasets, and in particular in data integration techniques. We require python and/or R coding skills and at least a rudimentary expertise on the Linux command line. Experience in genetics and omics data would be a significant plus.

Net monthly salary: approx. 1700 Euros

Contract duration: 1 year + 1 year of extension (already funded)

Contract type: Assegno di Ricerca

Workplace address: Corso Massimo D’Azeglio 52, 10126, Turin, Italy

Workplace type: mostly on-site

If interested please get in contact with us by email (; enclosing a CV!

See also