In the last couple of weeks, we first glanced at, then tried out, and finally dove into Bluesky Social, where a great scientific community is rapidly building up. We are therefore announcing that we will use our Bluesky profile to share announcements, news, and cool papers. Meanwhile, our Twitter (now X) account will enter a “holiday. A very long holiday. And we don’t expect we shall return. In fact we mean not to.”
[Read More]This is the website of the Computational Biology Unit led by Prof. Paolo Provero at the University of Torino. We are an interdisciplinary research team interested in diverse topics regarding computational biology and bioinformatics.
Our research activity focuses on different aspects of gene regulation. On one hand, we are interested in the evolution and variation of regulatory elements in the human genome. On the other, we are working towards the integration of genetically predicted gene expression in predictive models, especially towards behavioral, neuropsychiatric and neuroimaging-derived complex traits.
The unit also collaborates with several experimental laboratories providing bioinformatics and data-mining expertise.

Although we started our collaboration already years ago, the CBU recently formed under the Neuroscience Department “Rita Levi Montalcini” and is currently hosted in the historic “Palazzo degli Istituti Anatomici” on Massimo d’Azeglio 52, Turin.

Postdoc position at the University of Turin
Computational research at the crossroads of Neuroimaging, Genomics and Transcriptomics
We will have a position starting from November 2024 for a young postdoctoral researcher. The main project on which we are funding the position is aimed at investigating the impact of Neanderthal-derived (and in general recently evolved) genetic variants on traits extracted from Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (bMRI). The project is in collaboration with Luca Pagani Lab at the University of Padova.
Depending on the interests of the candidate, this problem can be tackled from a combination of different angles:
[Read More]Postdoc position in Statistical Genetics at the University of Turin
Send us your expression of interest and CV by October 15th!
We will have one postdoc position at the university of Torino, starting in January 2024, as part of a larger collaboration with the Universities of Padova and Bologna.
The position is aimed at young researchers with a background in computational and/or biological sciences, to work in a project at the crossroads between population genomics and complex trait analysis. Please see full details here.
Send your expression of interest including a CV at by October 15th 2023!
[Read More]A calm summer break before a (brain)stormy new year!
Three PRINs at our lab starting next fall semester.

Three PRINs landed in our lab this last couple of months, making us very honored and proud as we enter our summer break. For our international friends, PRIN (Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale) are among the most important national funding programs in Italy, designed to fund large collaborative projects. As a group, in the next couple of years, we will be part of two PRINs 2022 and leading the investigation in a PRIN PNRR 2022.
[Read More]Open position!
Postdoc in the genetics of brain imaging and behavioral/psychiatric phenotypes.
We will have a position in our lab, starting in the summer of 2023, for a young researcher with a background in computational and/or biological sciences, to work on a multi-faceted project in collaboration with the lab of Fabrizio Pizzagalli here at the Dept. of Neurosciences of the University of Torino, Turin, Italy.
The project aims to integrate genomics, transcriptomics and brain imaging data to predict behavioral traits and disease outcome/progression, and will be based on the analysis of large datasets (such as those generated by the UK Biobank and the ABCD study) with statistical and machine learning methods. The day-to-day activity will consist in implementing and running command line tools by building reproducible and robust computational pipelines.
[Read More]Visiting Researcher Fellowships
Opportunities for a short-term research stay in Turin
Are you a young computational biology researcher looking for a change of perspective or willing to establish an international collaborative network? We might have the opportunity for you!
We are offering short-term visiting researcher positions of three months between May and December 2023 at our computational biology laboratory within the Dept. of Neurosciences of the University of Turin, Italy.
The goal of the visiting period is to establish a collaboration on a project within the scope of the laboratory interests. These broadly include: predictive genomics, evolutionary genetics, imaging genetics, transcriptomics including single cell transcriptomics. The specific project will be discussed beforehand and can be proposed by the applicant within the scope above, or suggested by us in accord with the applicant’s interests.
[Read More]Hello world!
We are online
This is our first post, follow us here and on Twitter to be up to date with our projects, publications and open positions!